
Weighing Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry

At SWIA Weighing & Inspection, we’ve been a leader in the measurement industry in Queensland for over 40 years. In this time, we have seen numerous innovations come onto the market.

We work tirelessly to stay abreast of what the worlds leading technology manufacturers have to offer to further ensure that all of our solutions continue to meet the needs and advancements of our many manufacturing industry clients by providing a cutting-edge weighing & inspection solutions that work in with their manufacturing processes.

From weight counting scales, platform scales, digital crane scales to seamlessly intergrate complex applications – everything manufacturers want from their weighing & inspection equipment, as part ingrained in their manufacturing process they require.

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Some Of Our Range Of Weighing Solutions for the Manufacturing Industry

Weight Counting Scales

Weight counting scales are very versatile, weighing machines. As the name implies they are to be used for simultaneously weighing and counting any number of objects.

The most common application is checking the weight of a number of objects against a pre-set limit. By reducing manual counting, errors are reduced whilst efficiency is increased.

A step further – Have you considered the potential of automated batching or bagging of a single or myriad of products through pre-set targets and recipes?

Digital Crane Scales

Crane scales are indispensable tools for a wide range of our manufacturing clients. SWIA can deliver manufacturing facilities tough crane scales in a variety of capacity, low to high.

Crane scale weighing solutions are ideal for manufacturing processes that involve lifting, pulling or hanging for a measurement in weight or force.

Platform Scales

A Platform Scale is an ideal weighing instrument solution for a number of manufacturing applications.

When you need robust yet precise accuracy, choose from one of our platform scales to ensure you get reliable measurements.

When tolerances are tight and the application is rough these platform scales deliver the precision you need.